How to book

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Browse through our riding holidays and pick your destination!

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Fill out a booking form with your preferred dates and itinerary.

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We will confirm availability and forward your request to the riding center / service provider.

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Pay your deposit directly to the riding center (usually 20–50%, depending on the service provider) to confirm your booking.

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Pay your balance 30–90 days before the ride (terms & conditions depend on service provider)

Booking Conditions:

In our booking form, we will ask you to confirm that you agree to share the information provided with the riding center or farmhouse. Once we transfer your request, the service provider will take over the booking process, and you will make the payment directly with them. Please note that their booking terms and conditions will apply, as payments are handled directly through them.

Alternatively, you can fill out an enquiry/contact form with your preferences, and we’ll help you find your perfect riding holiday!